Sunday, April 10, 2011

Triunfo del Amor El

El triunfo del amor telenovela Triunfo del Amor,EL Victoria Sandoval, the most successful fashion designer in Mexico, remembers the time when her mother-in-law Bernarda cicked Victoria out of the house with a small daughter. The young woman lost her new born baby shortly after. Since then miss Sandoval has never stopped her efforts to find a daughter as she desires to see her again, but the search unfortunately has no result. Victoria has heard nothing of her daughter for twenty years already. 
It's ironic that young girl Maria Desamparada comes to Victoria’s Fashion House as a model. Victoria accidentally notices that Maria has got a photo of her husband Osvaldo. She thinks Maria is a lover of her husband and hires a young girl in order to keep her rival nearby and expose Osvaldo as a liar.
Victoria regularly humiliates and hurts Maria Desamparada. Anotonieta, Victoria’s best friend since the time she lost a little daughter, reproaches her to behave so badly to Maria. Victoria cannot understand and moreover explain her feelings to this young girl. On the one hand Mrs. Sandoval hates Maria Desamparada as she considers the girl to be a lover of her husband, on the other hand fashion designer unexpectedly sympathizes this girl.  
Here at Victoria’s fashion House Maximiliano meets Maria Desamparada. Young man hides his status from Maria. Two people attract each other, they like each other. Later their sympathy turns into a deep love and Maria yields to Maximiliano.
Shortly after Maria understands to be pregnant from Maximiliano. She comes to young man to say him about her pregnancy. But Maximiliano forestalls Maria’s words and confesses he should marry to Jimena as the latter is pregnant. Maria realizes Maximiliano has lied to her and keeps silence about her expecting a child.
But marriage of Maximiliano and Jimena turns into the Hell. Jimena has lost her unborn baby in the result of incident provoked accidentally by Maximiliano and poor woman is going to get crazy.
Maximiliano finds out him to be a father of Maria Desamparada’s baby, but not Maria’s fiancé Ernesto, who just wants to marry the young girl and care of her and her baby.  
At this time Jimena gets to know she can never have a baby again and suffers much from this fact, so Maximiliano’s wife decides to steal a daughter from Maria in order to make miss Desamparada to experience the suffer and feel similar to Jimena’s feelings. She is ready to give a stolen new born girl for adoption.
After 20 years of separation and suffer Victoria meets her former husband Juan Pablo again and blames him to be coward. She informs Juan Pablo to be pregnant and bear a girl at the time when he left for seminar 20 years ago, but Juan’s mother Bernarda kicked Victoria and her little daughter out of the house in the result of what Victoria lost the girl. And Victoria adds Bernarda knew everything about her and her daughter but said nothing to Juan Pablo.
Juan Pablo is a priest now. He is indignant at his mother’s action, he blames Bernarda to say him nothing about his daughter. He feels guilty and makes a decision to find his daughter by all means.
This film is about Mother and Daughter, about great love and great misunderstanding. The story tells us the loving hearts are able to overcome any obstacle or sorrow on the way to each other. They ruin all cruel plans of ill-wishers and enemies and win a Love at the end. This film shows us the triumph of Love!


Lina Gustina said...

Great story :)

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